18" Valkyrie Hackle

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We offer the 18" hackle in 3 tine settings. The first 2 pictures are of the Extra fine, and the last picture shows the Fine on the top, and Standard on the bottom.

Valkyrie 18 Inch Standard Hackle
Suitable for coarse to medium fibers. A very sturdy hackle with two rows of straight 4.5 inch long hardened and polished steel tines set in a straight hard-maple base. The 97 tines are approximately 1/8 of an inch in diameter at the base and are spaced 3/8 of an inch apart on center. These hackles are easily mounted on your work table with clamps (not included). All hackles have at least 1 1/2 inch of free space on each end for clamping. Made of silky-smooth unfinished hardwood.

Valkyrie 18 Inch Fine Hackle
Great for medium to fine fibers. The tines are 3/32″ diameter, 4 1/4″ long, set 1/4″ on center in two rows. Polished, hardened steel with a long taper to a sharp point, these tines never need “straightening.” They are flexible enough to take abuse, and still bounce back to their intended alignment. These hackles are easily mounted on your work table with clamps (not included). All hackles have at least 1- 1/2 inch of free space on each end for clamping. Silky-smooth unfinished hardwood.

Valkyrie 18 Inch Extra-Fine Hackle
Designed specifically for finer, shorter fibers. The polished, hardened steel tines are 3/32″ diameter, 4 1/4″ long, and set 3/16″ on center in two rows, mounted in an all-maple base. These tines never need “straightening.” They are flexible enough to take abuse, and still bounce back to their intended alignment. These hackles are easily mounted on your work table with clamps (not included). All hackles have at least 1-1/2 inch of free space on each end for clamping. Made of silky-smooth unfinished hardwood.

We offer a pair of small clamps that work well with these hackles if you are clamping them to a flat edged table or counter: www.etsy.com/listing/616827388

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Valkyrie Hackle
Combing Hackle
Fine Combing Hackle
Wool Hackle
Wool Fiber Prep Tool
Fiber combing tool
Tools for fiber
Maple Hackle
Blending Hackle
18 inch Hackle
Extra Fine Hackle
Alpaca Hackle
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Fine Hackle
Extra Fine Hackle
Standard Hackle


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