Tahkli Spinning How To - Examples of Tahkli Spindles

Tahkli Spindle Spinning How To

This Tahkli Spinning How To will walk you through what you need to know to get started spinning with this tiny but powerful cotton spindle from India. What is a Tahkli? The tahkli is a supported spindle. This means that they are supported…
Spinning Techniques: Drafting - Convergence Super Seminar

Spinning Techniques: Drafting – Convergence Super Seminar

When we learn to spin, we just want the yarn to hold together. We’re not overly concerned with analyzing different ways of holding the fiber to control loft, twist, or color variations. Once you reach that point of “spinning a continuous…
beehive cops

Beehive Cops on Spindles

While preparing for my Better, Happier Spindle Spinning Class, the topic of cop shapes came up. One of my favorite ways to fit a lot of yarn on a spindle is to use beehive cops. The beehive shape allows the cop to grow out beyond...
Wool Yarn Grows When Wet

Wool Yarn Grows When Wet

Did you know? Wool fibers lengthen when wet. Both skeins were made on the same niddy. The upper skein is dry, the lower skein is wet. Once the lower skein dried, it was the same length as the upper. Cool. Have I ever told you how much I…

Greek and Albanian Spinning: A Closer Look at a Unique Method

I learned this method of Greek and Albanian Spinning with spindle and distaff from a woman who grew up in Greece. I have also found evidence of this spinning method in Romania...
puni rolag fauxlag psuedo rolag

Puni, Rolag, Fauxlag, Psuedo Rolag

All fiber bundles for spinning - but with very unusual names! What's the difference? Besides sounding like a child's nonsense song ("...puni rolag fauxlag psuedo rolag..."), what do these funny words mean? Well, they are all bundles…
Lendrum Spinning Wheel on the Patio

10 minute post exercise – I love to spin

I love to spin. Why?  I'm not sure. Is it the feel of the fiber in my hands?  The mystery of changing it from locks to roving to squooshy, loveable yarn?  Is it the myriad colors, whether shiny or matte or dull or sparkly? Is…
Turkish Spindle

Turkish Spindle Answer: From The Email Archives

Q: How does the Tromp and Treadle Turkish Spindle work? I am not familiar with it. Thanks. - Sharon A: It works the same as any turkish-style spindle. As you wind on your yarn, you go
Yarn Check

Yarn Check – Keeping Consistent While Spinning

When I am spinning for a specific project, I want to keep the yarn consistent from beginning to end. Here are a few things I do to help achieve that goal. First, I'll pinch off the yarn near the orifice, and pull a length out…