
Spinning Techniques: Drafting – Convergence Super Seminar

Spinning Techniques: Drafting - Convergence Super Seminar

When we learn to spin, we just want the yarn to hold together. We’re not overly concerned with analyzing different ways of holding the fiber to control loft, twist, or color variations.

Once you reach that point of “spinning a continuous strand” and make your first yarn (what an accomplishment!) a whole world of spinning opens to you. After spinning long enough to feel confident to use that “good” fiber you have been saving, you are finally open to considering drafting techniques.

Worsted Draft

Did you know that you can gain control over varying fibers of all lengths, from ultra-short cotton at an inch or so in length, to an amazing eight inch staple of longwool? The secret is in the drafting…

How you draft will also determine whether you are making a dense, sturdy yarn for rugs, or a lofty, fuzzy yarn for sweaters, whether you get 80 yards or 150 yards of yarn from that 1 ounce sample of bison down you splurged on, whether you can spin lofty singles or singles only destined for plying.

Point of Twist Drafting

Does this resonate with you? Sound familiar? Then you’ll want to make plans to join me August 4th, 2016 at Convergence Weaving Conference in Milwaukee, WI.

For three hours, you will be immersed in the world of spinning drafts – from short draw to long draw, from the fold to point of twist, you’ll get to see each draft in action, and try your hand at them, with a range of fibers and fiber preps.

Long Draw Drafting

What do you need to do? First, go to the Convergence website to register for SS-RP047 Spinning Techniques: Drafting with Andrea Mielke Schroer. Then print off the supply list and start packing!

This class is designed with wheel and e-spinners in mind. I love spindles, but because of time constraints we have to narrow the tools covered, so plan to bring the following:

1. Spinning Wheel or e-spinner (no spindles, please)
2. Extra bobbins
3. Lazy Kate
4. Oil for wheel/e-spinner
5. Niddy-noddy
6. Any fibers that you would especially like to learn how to draft (if something has been giving you trouble, be sure to bring it along for analysis and feedback!)
7. Note taking supplies (if you have a favorite pen, notebook, tags for samples, etcetera, pack them, too)
8. $20 to cover materials fees – this includes the class handout and a range of fibers that we will be using to learn the various drafts

This three-hour super seminar is open to all skill levels of spinning – if you can spin a continuous strand, this class is for you. I look forwarding to meeting you in August!

Andrea Mielke Schroer Andrea Mielke Schroer hails from Central Wisconsin, where she lives with her husband and two children.  Co-owner of Mielke’s Fiber Arts llc with her sister, Amy, she has over 20 years of experience in teaching fiber arts across the nation. Her teaching style has been described as patient and knowledgeable. Andrea writes for Spin-Off and PLY magazines.

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